
Essential Oil: Lime Peel

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Apart from being a integral part in a Gin & Tonic, limes host a number of properties including an antiseptic, antiviral, and antioxidants to name but a few.

It can also help our immune system, easing infection in the respiratory tract and relieve pain in muscles and joints, whilst revitalizing a tired mind and banishing the feeling of apathy, anxiety and depression. This is why Alexandra uses it as a main ingredient in Soveral’s Men's Green Tea & Lime Hair & Body Wash – to put a zing in your shower time!

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Its citrus oil scent can help lift and lighten your mood when feeling down. It is also used to fight cellulite and to tone the skin in general. (Look out for Soveral Anti-Cellulite Scrub, coming soon!!)

Originally from Asia, limes were introduced into Europe by the Moors. From there they migrated to the Americas.

Fun Facts

Ships transporting it were called 'lime juicers'. 

Ship crews depended on it to prevent scurvy, because of the high vitamin C content.

If ultraviolet light is directed at the skin of a person that has touched lime juice, the area of skin can become blistered, swollen or darker in colour.

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  2. quatisha

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