
Stress – the skin-emotion connection

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We are designed whole; our emotions are not a separate part of our bodies that we can detach, the body cannot function without the emotions we feel.”

We are all too aware of how our emotions directly affect our skin, especially during the obvious direct skin-mind connections, for instance, when we feel embarrassed our skin does not really help the situation by blushing. But are there other connections that we are not aware of?

Let’s talk about stress for a minute…

Acne, alopecia, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, hives, and other skin rashes – all can be either stress-related skin conditions or conditions exacerbated by stress.

These manifestations of stress through the skin are not always associated with our emotions. This is because they usually manifest a few weeks or months after the stressful period or they are manifestations of underlying stress that we are not so aware off… such as the feelings we supress, anxiety being the main culprit.

This issue is vastly covered in my book 'Perfect Skin, Unlocking the Secrets', in the meantime here are a few things I recommend for calming those stress levels…


Day or night, having a candle lit in the home has a wonderful calming effect. Just the act of lighting, is you making time for yourself.  Sit quietly by the candle and take three deep breaths. Inhaling softly and deeply through the nose into your belly and exhaling softly and fully out of the mouth until your stomach muscles are contracted.


Breakouts on neck and jaw are commonplace in times of stress. Lymphatic drainage is an incredibly effective tool for helping with this. Massage the face everyday, even just for a minute.

Take a look at this tutorial of me sharing tips on a quick face massage



The therapeutic effects of essential oils work simultaneously on skin and mind. Mother Nature has perfectly designed these natural skin remedies that also have a powerful effect on the emotions, which in turn will benefit the skin.

 Antidote is our pocket-sized pulse point oil to comfort, protect and revive. The antidotal blend is inspired by an ancient formula of alpine sacred oils to ward off disease from the body and protect the soul from negative energy.

In ‘Perfect Skin’ there is a lovely Anxiety blend oil that can be created at home and has the most wonderful fragrance that lingers blissfully from day to night. 

Anxiety Blend Oil

25ml carrier oil
5 drops Bergamot essential oil
3 drops Clary Sage essential oil
2 drops Vetiver essential oil

 The body oils have all been hand blended for to nourish the skin and soothe the senses. Workaholics Blend is a particular favourite, the synergetic blend of Neroli, Lemon, Lavender and Geranium is a real tonic when stressed.

Top Tip –

For very busy people, apply body oil on just showered damp skin and pat-dry with a flannel, et voilá, beautiful soft skin with zero effort.



The link between the emotions and the gut is well known. We will go into this another time, but a cup tea, herbal in particular, is such a lovely remedy for unsettling times. Pop the kettle on and feel better from the inside out.

 Above all else, especially during such surreal times as this, be kind to yourself. Practice the art of self-acceptance and go a little easier on yourself. Failing that, a cup of tea and a good deed for others will help no end.

 If you, or someone you know, need a little extra support during these times, here are a few organisations that are here to help:

Mental Health Foundation


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  3. quatisha

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